Philosophy According to Paw Nyinyi

My History and Philosophical Beliefs

I would like to greet you, Friend and Reader. I am Paw Nyinyi and I want to tell everyone my story. I plan that my writing will consist of 3 pieces. In the first piece, I will explain why I think I am a very important man. The second piece will be about my Philosophical beliefs. The third piece will be about the cares we need to take in our life; some basic advice to men and women.

Why I believe that I am important:

I was born in Rangoon, Burma in October 1960 (for this life) and I didn’t have to wait too long before first piece of evidence emerged that I was not an ordinary boy. This event occurred when I was about 7 or 8.

Burma became an independent nation in 1948. One of the projects the Government undertook after independence was composing the encyclopedia in Burmese language. By the time I was born in 1960, a lot of the volumes were completed and my parents had the complete set of them. Since I loved to read, I was in heaven. It was like getting a book with no end.

Then the following incident occurred. In the Burmese Encyclopedia, I read an article about very famous US Air Force scientific experiment which attempted to confirm Einstein’s Relativity Theory. He said when velocity was higher, time would slow down. The US Air Force people used 2 identical atomic clocks. One was put in the rocket ship and one was kept on the ground. Then they saw that clock in the rocket ship was behind. Therefore, Einstein’s theory was confirmed empirically. That was what the article said.

Immediately after I read the article, I thought there was something wrong. But I could not explain what was wrong. Many years later, I revisited the issue and I realized that if you thought carefully, what the experiment showed was time was going faster when velocity was higher. What they saw was exact opposite of what Einstein’s theory said. That was the reason my mind knew there was something wrong in that article.

I now want to explain what was the problem there scientifically. It depended on who made the clocks. If the clock was made by God and it measured the actual time elapsed, yes, the clock on the rocket ship should be behind. But how do we find the clock made by God on Amazon? We can’t and we have to be content with man-made clock. Then if time slowed down, we can do more things in the same time and the clock on the rocket ship should be ahead. That was the reason I thought that something was wrong with that US Air Force experiment which attempted to confirm Eistein’s Relativity Theory.

Now I want to enumerate the intellectual skills I had then. I knew how to read and write in Burmese. I also knew basic arithmetic. I would know 7 times 5 would be 35. That was it. Now the question was how come my intellectual skills were so sharp with no education and training. It was just not possible. The only explanation was I had lived before and I also did a lot of very difficult scientific work. I am not talking about going to college but doing research on very difficult scientific problems.

I also want to make another point and I want to praise myself a little here. Eventually I guessed the inside story on Relativity Theory. It was probably a practical joke and I was the ringleader of that group. But it came back to help me greatly because it positively told me that I lived before. I think that my moral goodness was very good and even when I did something foolhardy, I received very good benefit from it. At least I hope so; I mean about my moral goodness being good.

Now I would like to describe another incident in my life that demonstrated that I was very important and this time it was in political arena.

My father Nyi Nyi was appointed as Burmese Ambassador to Australia in 1975. I was 14 then. From 1979 to 1981, I was attending college in Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. In 1980, in my second year at Macquarie University, I went through a romantic disaster. I don’t think it was that important because that was part of growing up for everybody. In 1981, my last year at Macquarie University, I was still feeling quite bad and I got a letter from Bill Hayden who was at that time, Leader of Opposition in Australian Government. He was of course a very important political leader in Australian Government. He said he was a friend of my father and he offered me his friendship and support.

The point I want to make was this. It was true that Nyi Nyi was Ambassador but he was Ambassador of Burma and Burma was just not very important country. The only explanation was Nyi Nyi was able to have friendship with Bill Hayden because he was my father. Yes, that point was always obvious.

Then, in May of 1983, another incident occurred and after that I was certain that I was very important. But I still didn’t know why.

I was working as an actuarial assistant in a life insurance company called MLC which was located in Downtown Sydney, Australia. It seemed then that there was an organized attempt by my employer to punish me. What happened told me clearly that I was very important; if not, they wouldn’t have bothered. One handicap I had then was I had forgotten all my life skills and I didn’t know how to handle it. Yes, I was very intelligent but I had not recovered my like skills then and I didn’t know what to do. In any case, after that event, I decided to move to NYC, USA where my immediate family was living then.

Jesus said in the Bible that “seek and you shall find” and my seeking about why I was important was eventually answered. In May of 1997, I was working at GE in Albany area of Upstate New York and I found 3 new men friends. They told me that a few years before I was born, there was a credible Prophecy that I was Second Coming of Christ. It was a very definitive “Ah-hah” moment for me in my life because everything that had happened to me in my life started to make sense.

Then, on last day of 1999, New Year’s Eve of year 2000, most appropriately for Messiah since a lot of people thought that Jesus was going to come back on the change of Millennium, I went through what Telepathy called my “Messianic Orgasm”. I want to describe what happened then briefly.

Decade of 1990’s was the decade of PC revolution. The cycle-speeds of PC’s were improving so quickly that consumers had to upgrade their PC’s very frequently. I was a little skeptical about that and during that long weekend, I decided to check the cycle-speed of the PC I had. It had a claimed speed of 166 MHZ and I saw that actually it was only about 15MHZ.

I was in moral shock then. I thought that I had a very clear evidence of business fraud. I had 2 choices. I could keep quiet and upgrade my PC only when it broke. Or I could make my discovery public and fight that conspiracy. I thought that since billions of dollars were at stake, they would surely kill me if I fought it. I chose the option to fight and I was willing to face certain death which would come with that decision.

Now I want to make a few comments about it. The first was I was not being like a suicide bomber. I didn’t want to kill anybody. I just wanted to make the wrong to be right. Also, I surely wasn’t expecting 75 virgins in afterlife. In fact, I didn’t believe in afterlife then.

Another thing I want to say is I now have a very comfortable explanation why I lost memory when I was born in this life. I think it happened so that my Messianic Orgasm would be meaningful.

Now I have to inform the Reader about Computer Science merits of my PC speed test and it was not very good. I did everything wrong then. Many years later, I tried again and I saw then that there was no actual fraud. The PC I had then was much faster; it’s claim speed was 1.8 GHZ but I saw that it’s actual speed easily matched the claimed speed.

After I went through my Messianic Orgasm, I didn’t think I did anything that good. All I received from it was being so ill psychiatrically that I was not able to work and I had to file for Social Security Disability. But my outlook started to improve a few years later.

In Spring of 2002, I experienced Telepathy while I was driving. He simply said to me I now qualified as Buddha. In Burmese Buddhist tradition, the test for Buddhahood was he had to know everything. I knew I didn’t know everything and I said to him because of that maybe I didn’t qualify. After that, he stated a few things. He said knowledge wasn’t that important. Also, in any case, my Subconscious knew everything anyway. He then said the real test for Buddhahood was he must be willing to give up his life for the benefit of others and that was the hardest and the best thing to do for man (if the person didn’t know that there was afterlife like me). I did exactly that during my Messianic Orgasm. He said to me I was not only Buddha but I was Supreme Buddha. He gave me the definition of Supreme Buddha in both English and Burmese. In English, it was simply “The Best Buddha”. In Burmese, it was “amon-myat-sone-phaya”. Those Burmese words meant exactly “The Best Buddha” but in Burmese, it was much more romantic and I of course prefer it as everybody would.

Then he said to me, eventually I would receive “eternal paradise” because I was now Supreme Buddha. He then said, before that would happen, I would have to go through Initiations of Supreme Buddha. What he said to me made sense and I informed him that I consented to going through my Initiations.

My Initiations were very long and arduous. But one extremely important benefit of them was they gave me opportunities to consider very important Philosophical issues. For that reason alone, I am happy that I went through my Supreme Buddha Initiations. I will certainly write in sufficient detail about my Philosophical beliefs very soon. But I will not write too much about historical information of my Initiations because I don’t see any point in that for general public. I will describe in some detail what happened in the beginning though so that Reader will have some idea of what they were like.

One of the first things Telepathy did was he asked me to travel to Montreal, Canada and after that to stay in a homeless shelter for some time. I had just received my SSD check before I left for Montreal. I had about $1,200 American dollars in my bank account then. After I got to Montral, he encouraged me to spend my money very liberally and I soon ran out of money. I spent last a few dollars I had on coffee, pastries etc. I knew I had zero dollars and zero cents either American or Canadian. Now Telepathy said this to me. He said “Ko Paw Htin, our Initiations will soon begin in earnest. It would be nice if you can have a filling meal before they begin”. At that moment, I sensed there were some coins in my jean pants pocket and I saw that there were 4 Two-Canadian-Dollars coins. Then I saw a Burger Kings Restaurant nearby and I had my filling if not very interesting meal there.

It was actually a veritable miracle. There were also many other miracles like that later although I want to decline to describe them. What I want to say now is I believe that I am a very good man, moral-goodness-wise because of miracles like that. I think the Reader will agree with me that I have some right to believe that.

Now I want to write about one incident from early days of my Initiations and the reason for that is I want to inform the American Government that I know that they have nothing but goodwill towards me.

After the Burger Kings miracle, I stayed in a homeless shelter in Montreal for some time. After about one month, Telepathy just stopped. I think it was demonstration of my courage that I didn’t panic. Then I saw the American Consulate General Office nearby and I asked them to help me. I want to acknowledge that American diplomats there were very kind to me and they did their best to help me. I know I would never forget the kindness of American diplomats there.

As I informed you before, my Initiations were extremely long and arduous and there is no point in describing them minutely. Now I want to conclude the historical piece of my story (or reasons why I believe I am important) and I will soon continue with 2 latter pieces; my Philosophical beliefs and advice about how we should live to be good human beings.

My Philosophical Beliefs

Before I begin this piece of my writing, I want to state the questions I am attempting to answer. The first is what is my role or my office. That is of course very important issue for me. The second question which is infinitely more important is if there is God. I always thought that the most important Philosophical question was if there is God. Now I will be attempting to address those issues.

Telepathy put down some infrastructure of Philosophy and that was the idea known to me and also to everyone else as I2. It simply said that physical reality was emulated. A soul has 5 senses and although we experience those sensations, actual physical things need not be there. Suppose I see a tree. There is a tree in my vision sense. But actual tree does not have to be there. I know it is not a difficult concept and everyone knows what I mean. Furthermore, I know and so does everyone else that it is a correct concept through observable things.

Now I want to provide the Reader a Philosophical roadmap about where we are going. I came up with two extremely important Philosophical concepts which support the idea that there is God. They were both actually unshakeable. Then I also saw an observation which disputed the idea that there is God if we did not interpret it correctly. Then I realized that if we interpret it correctly, it did not invalidate the existence of God but in fact it supports the existence of God in its own way.   

The first Philosophical concept I want to discuss is meaning of I2. We know through I2 that physical reality is emulated. Then clearly, there had to be a computer which was doing all the work. In the case of I2, there had to be a virtual computer which was implemented by God’s miraculous powers. It looked extremely strong that “There is I2. Therefore, God is”.

The second Philosophical concept I want to discuss is the idea known as “Hard Problem of Consciousness”. I constructed that idea independently on my own but I soon discovered that it was already known by its name which was Hard Problem of Consciousness. The reasoning went like this. Man has 5 senses. Through those 5 senses, he experiences the physical reality. Here, we are talking about physical realities. But the act of experiencing is not physical but spiritual or even miraculous. Therefore, man, spiritual or miraculous being, could only be created by some being who was perfect, that was of course God himself.

The above reasoning which supports existence of God is unshakable. On the other hand, I need to discuss one observation which strongly disputed the existence of God.

Now let us take a short pause and consider the question of who I am. I already informed you that Telepathy said I was Supreme Buddha. But he soon changed his tune and he said I was Son of God. If you are Christian, you know what that means. Son of God was incarnation of God in human form and he was Creator and Ruler of Universe. He then explained his reasoning why he thought I was Son of God.

He said when I realized my Messianic Orgasm, it was actual perfection. I could not do better. Only God can be perfect and therefore I was God. There was also documented support for that concept in New Testament of the Bible and that was the Meaning of Christ’s Death on the Cross; Jesus died on the cross to pay for all sins of man and if you believed that, you would have eternal life. Telepathy said that was a Theological metaphor. The real meaning was God was most loving-God and he was willing to give up his life for benefit of man (exactly what happened during my Messianic Orgasm).

Now I would like to respond to Telepathy who was asserting that I was God. I thought that the reasoning he did, may be correct. But it never felt true that I was actually God; I mean in terms of personal experience. Now we can recall who God was. He was Creator and Ruler of Universe and that was very grand. Then maybe Muslims and Jews were right that incarnation of Gd in human form was not possible. My best guess of who I am is I am most probably Prophet of God’s Judgment Day. But there was one benefit in Telepathy asserting that I was God. I was so terrified to be God that I worked hard to come up with reasoning that showed that there was no God. We (Telepathy and me) did come up with one concept and it was extremely significant concept. That issue always had to be dealt with.

That concept was known to Telepathy and me as G2. The reasoning went like this. God could not create life in a random way. If he did, following could happen. God created a man. Then all decisions that man made, were wrong; he made all the wrong choices. Then God had no choice except to put him in hell. Now that man said to God “God, you could not leave the well enough alone. Why did you create me? If you did not, I wouldn’t exist and I wouldn’t suffer. Now I am suffering very badly and it is all your fault”.

Telepathy said to me now that one of the most important tasks of God was being Life-Screening-Authority. He could only give life to people who would make good use of it. But obviously the observations we can make in our world is not consistent with that belief.

The question was where God drew the line. I have lived in both East Coast and West Coast of USA and I preferred East Coast much more. Did it mean that people in West Coast were pretend? Observations like that just piled up.

I can recall an incident that occurred in my life when I was a child growing up in Burma. I was about 10 years old then. My father Nyi Nyi was then serving as Deputy Minister of Education in Burmese Government. Me and my family visited Mandalay which was the second largest city in Burma. In a Buddhist Pagoda there, we met a boy who was about my age. He was just hanging out there. Nyi Nyi asked him if he went to school and he said no. Nyi Nyi then said to him “You have enough education already. You don’t need school anymore?” and he just smiled. One of the local Government officials there who was with us said to Nyi Nyi “They probably couldn’t afford school. They had no money for books, pen etc.” The point I want to make is that encounter was not congruent with God carrying out his G2 duty.

Then there was still more evidence of that nature. I read a book by American Writer Paul Theroux about Polynesian Island Countries. I was in a Philosophical shock when I read it. If I thought Burma was bad, these countries were infinitely worse. Rangoon, Burma would seem like a paradise compared to these places. In Rangoon, you could at least have very good food in restaurants.

Now I want to tackle an issue which was absolutely a biggie. That issue is nature of animals. In 3 most important monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, the belief was God created animals for man to use and they were not sentient living things at all. OK fine! But the problem then would be what we are supposed to think when an animal attack and kill a man. Are we to think that attack was really done by God? If we think that animals are not sentient living things, that is a valid question to ask.

Some time ago, I thought this evidence of God not carrying out G2 task meant that there was no God. But the problem then was how to explain away two tremendous supports for existence of God; meanings of I2 and Hard Problem of Consciousness. I think that task would be impossible. I really think that they were entirely unshakable and indisputable. I think the only solution to that Philosophical dilemma was we have to reinterpret G2 in another way. One way to do that was to believe that God created all living things and he gave them the life they deserved. If a soul he created deserves to be a dog, it became a dog, if it deserved to be an orange, it became an orange, if it deserved to be a man, it became a man. Now we have to conclude that every living thing, active or passive is a sentient living thing. You may then ask, what God did if he did not carry out G2 task. My answer would be he teaches all living things how we should interact with each other and also how to get a different type of life should it desire such a thing through his Prophets including someone like myself.

Now I can conclude the piece of writing about my Philosophical beliefs.

Some Basic Advice to Men and Women

Now I want to begin the piece of my writing about basic advice to men and women. I might as well go to the point and say that I will be writing mostly about how we should interact with non-human living things.

First, I want to remove one false belief about non-human living things and in particular, animals. That false belief was even if animals were sentient beings, nature of their consciousness was very different from our own and we can use them in almost anyway we liked provided that we were humane. Suppose we slaughtered a pig to harvest pork. The pig was not intelligent enough to understand the concept of death. When it was slaughtered, it would feel pain but it did not understand what was going on. Therefore, provided that method of slaughtering was humane, it was OK to use them in such ways.

Now I want to write about two items which disproved such beliefs. The first was this. In this my current life, there were 3 women who knew me. It was a little difficult to describe their feelings for me because they were mixed. Lust for me? For sure. What above love? Sometimes yes but sometimes extreme hatred. Obsession with me? Absolutely. Their intentions for me gradually became the worst possible that I started to worry if they still deserved their souls. Then I realized that if they did not deserve to be human, they will still be able live as animals. Now I want to make two points. The first was the reason God created animals was insurance policy for souls who became bad. The second was if humans can turn into animals, nature of consciousness of animals have to be similar to man. This was the first item.

The second item occurred when I was child growing up in Burma. I was probably about 7 or 8 then. My younger sister and me were being driven home from school. It was the time of Post-Ramadan Feast Holiday for Muslims. We saw that a group of cows were being led to the slaughterhouse and there were tears in their eyes. Our driver said to us “Look, those cows are crying. They are afraid of dying”. It was most positive proof that cows understood the meaning of death and they were afraid of it.

Now we have constructed some Philosophical infrastructure and we can proceed. Every living is a sentient being and they can be passive (an orange, am apple, etc.) or active (man, dog, cat, etc.). God intended that passive living things can be eaten as food but not active living things. Now I want to provide a little theory. When a man eats an orange, that is sexual pleasure for the orange but eating pleasure for the man. Passive living things are also bisexual. When a man eats it, it acts like a woman and when a woman eats it, it acts like a man. After it is eaten, it reincarnates right back as another orange.

But we cannot use active living things like that. I already informed you that God created animals as insurance policy for bad men and women. But for human-beings we need animal protein. The answer was of course synthetic meats.

I heard on the telepathy traffic that there were synthetic food regulations probably published by God himself. They basically said that we should use plants to make synthetic meats and only eat them and not real meats. I also heard that USA complied the best and Burma complied the worst. In any case, I suppose we understand even better now what that story is about.

Now I want to describe another incident sometime during my Initiations which was related to this issue. I picked up a Philosophical jingle in English on the telepathy traffic and it went like this. “Seafood? Tasty or not tasty, debatable. But surely too much risk. Don’t eat it”.

It was important because in some countries, for example, Buddhist Burma, there was a belief that it was less bad to eat water creatures than eating beef or goat. But it was not a correct idea and here was why. There were so many ways to die and they were not equal. If a man died peacefully in his bed, it wasn’t that bad especially when there was reincarnation. At the other end of spectrum, there was death by drowning which was the worst. When we catch water creatures to be eaten, that was the death we are imposing on them. It was surely one of the worst sins we can do.

I think we now have theory about non-human living things and I would like to write about practice; that is how we should regulate about what we eat. First thing I want to say is the people who are sinning are people who slaughter animals and catch water creatures to be eaten. An ordinary customer cannot know how the meat in supermarket was made. But during transition, I think we should use a following plan.

In United States, where we always used synthetic meats, we don’t have to change that much. But it of course it would not be advisable to eat fresh seafoods in Asian supermarkets.

In other countries, if one is quite certain that meats are not synthetic, during the transition, it may be a good idea to eat only plant protein. The point is we should do our best to comply with these regulations and the reason for that is we should have compassion for non-human living things.

I want to address one related issue now and that is about zoos. Sometime during my Initiations, a girl spoke to me. She said she was a girl peacock and she lived at a zoo. The zoo animals elected her to speak to me because she had a nice feminine telepathy voice. She said they hated living at zoos and they wanted to ask for my help so that they would be released back into the wild.

I think they had the justice on their side. When we consider that they are sentient living things, it is not just to keep them captive for the amusement of man. I recommend that all the zoo animals should be released back to the wild.

She also gave me one very important fact and I am grateful to her for that. She said in Philosophical Nature, animals can speak to man only if it is emergency. She got through to me because their cause was important and also just. Furthermore, on telepathy traffic, I heard whispers that animal live stocks in Australia (cows, sheep, etc.) are speaking to farmers in telepathy that they are sentient things and they should not slaughter them for meat. That made sense because now is the best opportunity for non-human living things to protect themselves.

I think that I have now written what I wanted to say and I can conclude my writing.

My writing was completed on April 29, 2024 Monday.

This writing was revised on May 19, 2024 Sunday.