Philosophy According to Paw Nyinyi

Who is God’s Prophet

Who or what is God’s Prophet

In this essay. I would like to explore some ideas who or what kind of a person God’s Prophet was; the definition of God’s Prophet, if you like. I wrote previously that I believe that I am Prophet of God’s Judgment Day and I think it is only fair that I give more information about what is contained in those Revelations of God.

I think I should begin by first saying what he wasn’t. It would be totally wrong to say that he was God’s scribe or to put it another way, God’s Word Processor. We are discussing about our beliefs in God now but we are also living in 21st Century when both Internet and Word Processor are easily available to everyone. There is no need for God to get a middle man (physical medium) to publish his ideas.

I now want to discuss the very controversial novel “Satanic Verses” that was written by Salman Rushdie. One important character in the novel was a man named Salman who was a Scribe to the Prophet. The problem was although he knew he was a Scribe but he didn’t understand who Prophet was. He thought incorrectly that the relationship between God and Prophet was parallel to relationship between Prophet and Scribe. I suppose the Scribe was projecting.

I want to say that I thank God for prompting Rushdie to write that novel because the novel was very useful for me to describe who Prophet was and wasn’t. In the novel, the Scribe was skeptical that Prophet was really speaking to God. Therefore, to test the Prophet, he would insert small inaccuracies in the text he was writing down and when the Prophet didn’t notice them, he celebrated with joy that he was right that Prophet wasn’t really speaking to God.

Rushdie was making a rookie Philosopher mistake which was thinking that Prophet was a kind of Word Processor. The Scribe successfully demonstrated that Prophet was not a Word Processor and in the process he was massively honoring and praising the Prophet although it was being done unwittingly and unintentionally.

Now I want to offer my ideas who a Prophet was. He was a philosopher with great wisdom and they were God’s partners in him carrying out his plans for mankind. He must have great Philosophical insight and he had to be able to determine if the ideas he was considering were correct. In Islam, there was a tradition that in the earlier days, Prophet Mohamed was not certain if the concepts he was being told were from a good being or bad being. Then after some time, he was certain that they came from a good source and in fact they were from God himself.    

Now I want to say a few more words about Rushdie and his novel. I already explained that when he thought he was having great success making the Prophet look bad, he only succeeded in making the Prophet look very good although unintentionally, of course. He was only a lost sheep philosophically. But there was no shortage of venom in him for both God and God’s Prophets. After he unintentionally honored the Prophet greatly (by demonstrating that Prophet was not a Word Processor, he resorted to outright slander. He wrote about a brothel where prostitutes had the names of Prophet’s wives. That attack was a little like someone writing on social media that First Lady Jill Biden was a call girl before she married Joe Biden. There was just no way to defend yourself from an attack like that. If you begin to say anything in your defense, you have already lost.

Now I want to write about what was my message in this iteration of God’s revelations There are only two concepts and I hope that I have given incontrovertible reasons to support those 2 concepts. The first was there is God. What does that mean? He was the Creator of Universe and all lives in the Universe and he is now the Ruler of Universe. The second was we have to obey the Dietary Laws which I described in an earlier essay. It is of course great news that there is God. We don’t have to worry about bad guys because there is now a Policeman.

Now I want to go back to our discussion about Salman Rushdie. The news is not all bad for him. But bad news first. I think his reasons for writing “Satanic Verses” were following: fame, fortune, beautiful women, etc. Now I want to quote the 2 Biblical passages which are relevant here. The first was Jesus said “if you acquire the whole world but lose your soul, what profit is it to you?” The second was from the Biblical book of Hebrews and it said “it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of living God”. But there were also some consoling words in Scriptures for sinners like Salman Rushdie. Prophet Mohamed said “God is merciful. Therefore, there is no such thing as point of no return to God. Regardless of how atrociously you sinned, if you repent sincerely, God will always accept you”. I agree most emphatically with Prophet Mohamed on this issue.

This essay was completed on June 2, 2024.